Clint Till • Video Producer


Old Dog, Meet New Tricks

My work schedule has been incredibly busy since the start of the new year. However, like many, the schedule wasn't so hectic just before the holidays. There was a lot of down time, as many of our video projects were wrapping up before the end of the year.

When the work load is light, it can be difficult to find ways to stay busy. Freelancers can really start to feel the pinch, knowing that if the next job doesn't come in soon, there might not be a paycheck waiting for them at the end of the month.

So, how do you invest your time?

Freelancers might double their efforts to generate new business by attending networking events, luncheons, or by making cold calls. They might also increase their marketing efforts through social media or email newsletters.

While these are certainly important endeavors for any freelancer, might I suggest that you set aside some time to learn a new skill?

In my years in video production, I have noticed that more and more, people expect the video production professional to wear more than one hat. You can't just be a shooter. You must also be a skilled editor. You can't just be an editor. You have to be a colorist. You can't just be a producer. You have to be a writer as well.

Yes, it's important to expand your network, but don't neglect your own continuing education. Think of a skill that you would like to learn, or learn better. Want to become more proficient in After Effects? Take the time to watch some online tutorials. Read some white papers. Browse through online forums. Learn those skills that will help you to become a more versatile production professional.