Clint Till • Video Producer


Can You See What I See? - Lens Crop Factors

With the amount of cameras available to the video production professional, understanding the crop factors of various camera sensors is important. A standard 50mm prime might not actually give you the exact angle of view of a 50mm when that lens is mounted to a different camera. Why? Because some imaging sensors are smaller than others, meaning that the camera can't "see" everything that the lens sees. 

Here are some handy references that help you quickly determine crop factors, focal lengths, and angles of view:  

As you can see from the above chart, they are using Cinema Film (35mm) as their standard. However, for DSLR lenses, you will want to use the Full Frame column as your standard. So, if your Full Frame standard is 1.00, then the crop factor of an AF-100 will be closer to 2x. 

A website that I came across recently allows you to compare the angles of view of many different imaging sensors and focal lengths: The Field of View Comparator.

The last thing I want to share is this video from Panasonic, comparing the Micro 4/3 sensor of the AF-100 with 35mm. Since I use the AF-100 a lot with my job, I found the video informative. 

This is a comparison of the 4/3" sensor on the new Panasonic AF102 (AF100 and AF102) to 35mm sized sensors. It is not a complete article on Depth of Field. It also hasn't got any sound - not because we don't like sound - oh we love it so much..