Clint Till • Video Producer


How to Get the Most Out of Your GoPro

We recently acquired three GoPro Hero3 Black Edition cameras and during the course of getting each camera configured and ready for use, we came across some handy information on best practices when shooting with GoPro cameras. Keep this reference material close by, because it will ensure that you understand how the camera works and how to get the best image from your GoPro.

First up, a quick GoPro cheat sheet:

GoPro Quick Cheat Sheet

Second, a more thorough blog post from Abe Kislevitz on Understanding Your New GoProThis article covers everything from the camera's sensor size, descriptions of the various shooting modes, and an explanation of Protune.

Here's a chart that summarizes the recording times of the GoPro for each of the camera's settings.

And finally, here's an overview of the GoPro's battery life for each of the video mode configurations.

If you have any additional reference material that you would like to share, or tips & tricks for using the GoPro, be sure to leave them in the Comments section.