Clint Till • Video Producer


The Importance of Story Structure in Brand Marketing

I had the opportunity recently to attend a session on brand storytelling. During the workshop, we viewed spots from different non-profits and then examined the structure of each story, discussing the merits of each approach. 

When it comes to marketing your brand through video, it's important to know what type of story you want to tell before setting out to produce your video. During the workshop, we learned that there are essentially four story types you can use when crafting your brand's message:

  1. Emotional Pivot

  2. Build

  3. Position Transition

  4. Sustained Emotion


A story with an emotional pivot begins on a negative note. There's a problem. Something bad is happening. Then the brand is introduced and the entire story shifts to a positive tone. The brand's product or service helped to improve the situation and the viewer is left with a positive feeling.


In this type of story, the good feeling continues to rise throughout the spot, building its intensity, energy, etc. to an ultimate climax and pay off for the viewer.


The Position Transition story structure teaches the viewer something new about the brand's product or service that's enlightening, inspiring, impressive, etc. This introduction somewhere in the middle of the story serves to elevate the viewer's impression of the brand by the end of the spot.


Don't let the illustration deceive you. Sustained emotion doesn't mean "void of emotion." This type of story simply reinforces what viewers have come to know and expect from the brand.

Consider each of these story structures carefully when preparing for your next marketing video. Which one works best with your brand's identity? Which one fits in well with what your audience does/does not know about your business? What has worked well for you in the past? Leave your thoughts in the Comments section below.