Clint Till | Video Producer | Filmmaker


Here's Where to Find Templates, Stock Footage, LUTs, and More

As a video production professional, it's important to maintain an ongoing collection of assets that you can pull from and use in various projects. Whether it's stock footage, sound effects, music, templates, or graphics, having a robust library is an invaluable resource.

Currently I have a folder on my main hard drive labeled "_Toolbox." Inside are several subfolders which are used to organize all of my assets by type, such as:

  • Sound Effects

  • Stock Footage

  • After Effects Templates

  • Graphic Elements

  • LUTs

  • Forms

Your collection might look different from mine. You might have more folders. You might have less. The important thing is to always be on the lookout for new elements that you can add to your library so it always reflects current visual trends.

Here are a few resources I turn to when I need additional content for my Toolbox:

  • Ground Control Color - Sign up for their newsletter and you will receive a free LUT for use in your projects. They also have a great collection of LUTs for different cameras and different styles that you can purchase and use in your color grades. 

  • Color Grading Central - This site is a great resource for all things color correction and grading. They have tutorials, webinars, an online community, and LUTs you can use for your own projects. You will need to sign up for their e-newsletter to get access to some of the free stuff.

  • Motion Array - Motion Array is an incredible resource for After Effects and PremierePro templates, stock music, and more. Be sure to follow their Twitter account not only for some really informative editing tutorials, but also get access to some free stuff they offer from time to time.

  • RocketStock - Get access to some high-end After Effects templates and assets. Browse over to the Freebies section of their website to see what goodies they currently have available. Sign up for their e-newsletter to receive insightful tutorials and to stay up to date with their latest offerings.

  • Pond5 - If you need stock ANYTHING (footage, sound fx, templates, photography, or music) then check out Pond5. Sign up for their e-newsletter and you'll receive a wide variety of articles pertaining to video production and post. In addition, you will also get access to a weekly stock footage clip absolutely free. 

  • Rampant Design - In addition to After Effects, PremierePro, and Final Cut templates, Rampant Design has a wide variety of style effects to punch up any edit. Their e-newsletter also contains some great tutorials.

If you need any more recommendations, check out Jonny Elwyn's post Free Film LUTs for Editors, DITs, and ColoristsDo you have any resources to add? Please do so in the Comments section below.