My Favorite Films From IndieMemphis Thoughts & OpinionsClint TillJanuary 6, 2014film, film festivals, IndieMemphis, moviesComment
Woman Writes On Blind Man's Sign Video Marketing, Thoughts & OpinionsClint TillDecember 30, 2013marketing, videos, advertising, ads, thoughts, creativity, stories, storytellingComment
Inspiration for Storytellers Thoughts & OpinionsClint TillDecember 19, 2013podcast, stories, storytelling, documentaries, documentary, inspiration, creativityComment
Luck Favors The Prepared Gear, My Methods, The Business of Video, Thoughts & OpinionsClint TillJuly 4, 2013advice, video production, pre-production, gear, rental, tipsComment
Working With Blackmagic's HyperDeck Shuttle Gear, Technology, Thoughts & OpinionsClint TillJanuary 29, 2013thoughts, Panasonic, codecs, gear, AF-100, recorders, HyperDeck Shuttle, hard drive, review, Blackmagic, camerasComment
Old Dog, Meet New Tricks The Business of Video, Thoughts & OpinionsClint TillJanuary 16, 2013adviceComment